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want to hear daily ps3 user reported error, etc, just go to ps3forums
actually if you compare ps3forums vs, then it is way more people reported ps3 not loading, crash, etc, overheating than on teamxbox forums.

or just go to, and you will see many kind of ps3 problem.

and about component price, just think if you have to reduce price of
current ps3 BDrom VS xbox360 DVD-rom, which one have more headroom, beside laser lens, just look, slot loading has more expensive drive mechanism, and sony can not remove wifi, why it is already there from start, if they remove it now, then million ps3 user will complain, and there will be some riot at sony HQ,

also just think sony can not remove HDD either, it is already must have item from start, but MS clever, they created more efficient Kernel, xbox 360 don't need HDD, so by removing HDD, MS has xbox 360 arcade which if ms want, they can reduce arcade price even further.