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Munkeh111 said:
Great read, I have also heard rumours about Rare being closed because their games have not been too great, but I still doubt that.

Anyway, I think Sony's method, of investing in first party studios and doing a lot of 2nd party work is much better than just buying the 3rd party timed exclusives.

There are still questions, of course, how much control Microsoft have over the Gears and Mass Effect IPs and if they go, the only major ones that they will have left are Halo and Fable....


Rare won't be closed.  Or at least, I don't see why they would be closed.  But then again, Ensemble was completely out of the blue...

But I guess Rare is now Microsoft's counter to LittleBigPlanet, so I'm sure they'll stick around.

As for Gears, the IP is owned by Epic, and the original contract between MS and Epic gave MS the rights to publish the first two titles in the series. The third (and Epic has stated it will be a trilogy) is technically up for grabs, but I don't see why MS wouldn't ink another contract for that one as well.

As for Mass Effect, I guess it's up to whatever deal MS can work out with EA.  BioWare has always owned all of their IPs, so they're now under the control of EA.  EA even published the PC version of Mass Effect.