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MrBubbles said:
akuma587 said:
MrBubbles said:
oh its just fine for people to make fun of George Bush because he looks like a monkey...but nooooo cant say anything about obama...

 So saying someone looks like a monkey is on the same level as pejoritavely claiming someone is a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, a terrorist, and not an American?




i had been talking about damkiras comment about the little girl in the beginning...  it seems he and Rath think it is even worse  ...


Because the entire 'monkey' thing is generally considered highly racist. Its been used for years as a way of implying that black people aren't quite human, they're on the level of apes rather than of humans.

If you think that its ridiculous to say that then you haven't been watching sports, in basketball, cricket and football (and probably others but I know those three for certain) spectators have done the entire monkey thing to black players they don't like.

Clearly when done to Bush its just as offensive (its implying that he is sub-human and stupid) but it doesn't have any of the racist connotations.

Plus, it wasn't only her ridiculous monkey impression that was offensive about her - it was also the stuff she said afterwards.

Bit of a source -