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OFF topic but...


Models Wanted for Fable II cosplay humiliation pics
Oh dear. This could go horribly wrong.

Lionhead are actively seeking fans of Fable who would like to appear in the sequel. And by fans, we don't mean 'people who quite enjoyed Fable', we mean 'Mentalist Fable Otaku who enjoy dressing up'.

To spice up the interior background textures in the forthcoming sequel, Lionhead are asking for Fable obsessives to send in photos of themselves in a suitably heroic pose. The best (we use the term lightly) of these will be turned into portraits that will be used to decorate some locations in the new game.

Lionhead recommend donning a suitable costume and, ideally, performing some kind of action found in the original game.

If you are going to enter, please by all means send your efforts to us to have a look at. We offer absolutely no prize whatsoever, but we will laugh at you. A lot.



"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself