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Million said:

Instead of aggresive price cutting why don't MS increase the XBOX 360's value for money ? . i'd much rather have an all inclusive XBOX 360 with a decent price point than a cheap XBOX 360 which i'll eventualy have to pay more than the cost of a PS3 for . it''s one of the main things putting me off the 360 in order to use it conveniently i'd have to spend near the cost of a new PS3.


What are your thoughts ?


MS doesn't care about what you think about overpriced acessories. They know you will buy it, and if you don't someone else will. Sadly this is the biggest downfall being a MS fan like myself, but it doesn't really matter. They make their money off of live and acessories outside of game sales so they fall back on that. Though I serously wish WiFi was $50. I think next gen we'll see Wi-Fi built into it just because of all the complaints however, and they will figure out a new way to marginize their acessories.

It's just that simple.