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trestres said:

Nintendo doesn't need to push devs, they are already coming to the Wii. As for third party support for the HD's you may as well call the PS3 a 360, or call the 360 a PS3, since the word exclusive is forbidden.

==> sure

Wii will remain the casual console forever, that's true. But that doesn't mean that next year games will not start to come. In the worst of the cases Wii will get the most support only from Japan, but it will be a monopoly. Re-read my previous post, I explained why Wii didn't get good 3rd party support so far this gen, yet you insist that it will remain like that forever. Very sad.

==> I know your point.

but It doesn't mean it will happen since industry have already seen the power of the wii storm 1 year ago and the situation is pretty similar right now : lack of heavy third party support opposed to what Wii fans predicted.

Also, I doubt people will make amazing "low end gfx" games just for the Wii. I think gaming is partially about "new technology" and many studios are already befin to target next gen gaming for PS4/Wii2/Xbox720. Trends are hard to change.

Also, you are making your own claims. How can you say that mines aren't true, when you "predictions" aren't more than your own claims. Hypocrisy at it's best. Very sad x 2.

FACT, I used 1 fact : Wii = lack of third party support even 1 year after E32007
U have made your guess about the future and I have answered by making my own too.

Both are free obviously, but you are the one that is using ur guess as a true fact (explaning me that I'm blind)

Dont invert our position plz.



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