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1) Wii (Up 1)

2) Halo 3 (Up 1)

3) Madden 360 (Up 1)

5) PS3 (Down 2)

6) PS3 Controller (Up 1)

7) 360 Pro (Down 4)

10) Madden PS3 (Same)

15) 360 Elite (Down 1)

17) Madden PS2 (Up 1)

23) BR remote (Down 6)

48) Resistance (Up 2)

49) Madden Wii (Up 5)

55) Ninja Gaiden (Up 13)

58) Memory Card adapter (Up 1)

70) Madden XBox (NEW!!!!) 

87) Rainbox Six: Vegas (NEW!!!) 

97) XBox 360 Core (Down 24)

99) Madden PC (New!!!) 

109) NCAA FootbaLL 08 (OFF THE LIST)

183) 80Gb PS3 (Down 35)


Crazy how Madden Wii isn't doing as great as I thought it would.