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kazadoom said:
Thanks RubangB, really both of these guys scare me, just BO more. I am afraid of what this country is going to look like 5 years from now. We are heading toward the United Socialist States of America and to our own destruction. I just wish that people would open their eyes to what is happening but it just seems that most people just do not care. I just long for another Reagan and I am afraid that we may never see this again. This whole issue is scary because it involves the total ignoring of our Constitution which leads to more until we have no Constitution any more. Your line at the bottom says it all

I have never understood why most conservatives consider Reagan the trophy child of the Republican party. The graph above is enough to prove that he was absolutely, positively horrible. Do we really need to more than double our debt AGAIN? Ridiculous.

And if you really believe all this "ZOMG, TEH SOCIALISM" propaganda, then you've probably just resorted to spewing cliches. And hell, at this point, I dare say I'd welcome socialism over our current system.