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This sounds bad will there be a patch.


Heres a copy of piece.



We've been receiving reports from several gamers -- and the Lionhead forums are positively buzzing -- about a game breaking glitch in Fable II. The glitch occurs during the quest called "Monk's Quest," in which players are tasked with speaking to the Abbot of the Temple of Light in Oakfield. Apparently, if players run into the temple, begin the conversation with the Abbot, and then leave the region before the conversation is finished, they are be unable to resume the quest, thus preventing them from completing the main story. Lionhead is currently working on the issue and advises all players to make sure to finish the conversation and cut scene before leaving the area. At the moment there is no fix for those who have already encountered the glitch.

Another glitch discovered in the game causes those who take one of their heroes into co-op with another player starting a new game. Apparently, when leaving childhood, all experience and gold will be wiped from the co-op character. Lionhead hopes to address this glitch in a title update, but advises players to only play co-op after the childhood stage has been completed.