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I'm a bit lazy so I won't redo the Wii one but here's the 360 and PS3 lineups. And yes I probably left some stuff out including DLC cause I'm assuming he meant retail releases.

X360 Exclusives

Gears of War 2
Fable II
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead
Naruto: The Broken Bond

PS3 Exclusives

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Resistance 2
Valkyria Chronicles
SingStar Vol. 2

It's really up to personal preference, but I'd take the 360 lineup. LBP looks awesome and Naruto: UNS looks better than Broken Bond, but I'm not a huge Resistance fan and MotorStorm is meh to me. Both have their karaoke games going, but I like the Lips song list better even though I wouldn't really buy either game except maybe to get a wireless mic for Rock Band. I just really wanna play Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, and The Last Remnant which are on 360 although TLR is coming to PS3 eventually. So yeah for me it's 360 > PS3 > Wii, and sorry but I don't wanna do PC some I won't rank it.