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Domicinator said:

A) I never said Vista was more open than Mac OS.  I simply said that they are both proprietary and that there are a lot more software options for Windows than Mac.

B) I could also Google "Mac sucks" or "Apple sucks" and get all kinds of hits.  Not everyone drinks the kool aid like you have, in fact there are quite a few people out there who don't fall for Apple's false marketing.

C) My wife's Macbook is a school computer.  She is locked out of doing anything damaging to the system.  They use all Macs in her school, and there are LOTS of problems with them.  They are NOT infallible.  My last job required me to visit about 50 public and private schools a week.  About 10 of those schools that I visited were on Macs, and just about all of them complained of problems every bit as much as the schools who use PCs. 

D) I will not "get out of this thread" just because some douche bag tells me to.  First you claim that I just use Windows because I can't admit that Windows sucks and then you make demands that I leave the thread?  Why don't YOU leave the thread, you #$%#ing moron?  Do you really think that because you use all software that starts with "i" and because you use a computer whose shiny plastic casing is supposedly manufactured on Mt. Olympus that you have a monopoly of the truth on what people should and shouldn't use?  Get over yourself!!!  Stereotypical Mac zealot.  Go make some tracks on Garage Band or iMusic or iDick or whater you like using.  I don't care what you use, and I don't care to convince you otherwise.  Go roll around in your pile of grossly priced Apple hardware and then suck a bag of dicks.


You still haven't brought any kind of proof of your outlandish claims that apple controls what you can run on apple computers. Still waiting for that.

Btw, all of apple computers are make of metal, not plastic: except for the mini and the white macbook. You got it the other way, it's PC's that are mostly made of plastic.

Your hate is reaching some interesting levels dude. The only stereotypical zealot in this thread is the stereotypical apple-hating zealot you so well match.

Oh, you've also been reported. Insulting people like that is oh so rude =/

edit: @therealmafoo - ;)

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).