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Thats a good score but not perfect.


heres the piece.

The new issue of OXM is on-sale today containing the world's first review of Gears of War 2. And, well, it's easily as good as we were expecting so it's nabbed a prime 9/10 score.

OXM Monobrow was the lucky man to play through the stunning single-player campaign and was blown away by it - we reckon it's the biggest blockbuster you'll see this year.

We've also spent a lot of our own time on the multiplayer in lunchtimes and evenings and that's awesome too. It's going to go straight to the top of the most-played games on Xbox Live, no question.

Anyway, we can't say any more here so for the full story plus loads of never-before-seen screens, grab the new issue of OXM from your newsagent today!


Link here.