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BrayanA said:
Jordahn said:
BrayanA said:
Jordahn said:
BrayanA said:
axumblade said:
BrayanA said:
What? Another multi title is better on 360?
Nothing new here.

PS3 owners need to stop acting like a ostrich and to face the truth.
Eurogamer gives all "Xbox 360 vs PS3 Face-Off" to 360. It is 14:0! Yes 360 loose in some games, but win or is equal in the majority! It also win both Bonus Rounds - The Orange Box and GTA IV. Blame Sony, blame developers, blame PS3, blame whoever you want, but it is obvious that PS3 is not the graphical monster many of you think it is.

At least PSM is being honest. Respect!

If it's 14:0 then how does the 360 lose some games? And how are Orange Box and GTA IV bonus rounds? Your comment is just plain dumb. Read your comment before you post it, otherwise, read it after so that you know you're actually making sense.

ROFL ... man you make my day
I laugh for more then 5 minutes!

It is not mine! Your comment is just plain dumb. Check before you post dumb comment!!! Otherwise, check google after so that you know you're actually making sense!!!

In every "Xbox 360 vs PS3 Face-Off" round from 6 to 10 multiplat games are compared! Not one!

Bonus rounds compares only one game.

Is it clear now?! Or I need to repeat it slower?


But why Eurogamer or any other specific source? Take Assassin's Creed for instance. If you read a variety of reviews for both platforms, some say the PS3 version was graphically better while others said the 360 was better. The same went for GTAIV. What do you do about it? Don't make it an issue because it's not. Unless it's some covert way of bashing the competition by cherry picking what favors your console preference...

Why not? Eurogamer is one of the most respected game site in Europe. 360 also wins all 3 rounds of "Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison" on Gamespot. Unfortunately they stop doing them.

If you said that some reviews "say the PS3 version was graphically better" then pls, give us a link, so we can read it. And no links from playstation magazines pls. Gamespot, IGN, Gametrailers, Videogamer, Eurogamer, 1UP - you choose one.

And before star searching for links, one advice - don't search in Gamespot, Videogamer or Eurogamer. They all give the edge to GTA IV 360 version.

Gamespot - Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison: Round 3 - GTA IV
"If we had to definitively pick a version, we'd go with the 360's rendition of the game for its crisper visuals"

Videogamer - GTA 4: Xbox 360 vs. PS3 - 360 Wins
"if you own both consoles and want to buy the best version, we'd have to recommend the Xbox 360 game."

Eurogamer - check "Xbox 360 vs PS3 Face-Off" Bonus Round 2



First of all, no one said you cannot use Eurogamer, and no one said it wasn't a reputable source.

Second, you said...

"It also win both Bonus Rounds - The Orange Box and GTA IV."

In regards to GTA IV, IGN wrote:

"Past GTA titles have had mild-to-serious framerate issues and technical glitches, because the games were trying to do far more than the PlayStation 2 could handle. While GTA IV is pushing the PS3 and 360 to the limit, it also runs amazingly well. Sure, there are framerate hitches here and there and (particularly on 360) there is some texture pop-in, but it actually runs better than I expected. That a game with great AI, an awesome physics engine and a detailed open world runs so well and with such short load times is a technical marvel. For that, I can forgive framerate issues and some noticeable aliasing."


"For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud."

But maybe you think IGN isn't reputable because the review does not favor your console of choice. See, that's cherry picking. Out of the whole bunch, you only pick what appeals to you because IGN gave the graphical nod to the PS3 version of GTA IV. So in your mind as long as the website/source favors the 360 version of a game over the PS3 version, it's reputable and honest as you said...

"At least PSM is being honest (9/10 for Fallout 3 PS3 version)."

Again, you CANNOT successfully refute my statment...

"But why Eurogamer or any other specific source? Take Assassin's Creed for instance. If you read a variety of reviews for both platforms, some say the PS3 version was graphically better while others said the 360 was better. The same went for GTAIV. What do you do about it? Don't make it an issue because it's not. Unless it's some covert way of bashing the competition by cherry picking what favors your console preference..."

Fanboys cherry pick to paint a false picture to hide behind. You have proven that.

I accept IGN review, even if it is just a review and not a graphics comparison article as 3 I gave to you. Even with the "PS3 has better anti-aliasing" (no AA for PS3 version, 2xAA for 360 version). Still 1:3, I'm waithing for 2 more.



Guess what?  Remember when you also said... "At least PSM is being honest (9/10 for Fallout 3 PS3 version)."???

So I guess the average rating of Gamerankings for GTA IV PS3 is dishonest because it's higher than GTA IV 360 just becasue you quoted three sources (and I'm sure there's more) and I quoted one (and I'm sure there's more.)  See... cherry picking... more fanboyism...

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.