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Can't say i remember the exact place. Maybe it wasn't 3/4ths and i just remember the number wrong. Been a while.

Also, would you care to show a link to said studies?  I can't find any.

Nor do i still understand how such a thing could be after the basics are taken care of... and how such a thing is being measured.  (A flawed one person model or somthing else.)

While diminishing returns is true on some things.  It isn't true in all things.

Many proffessions and other things actually give you increasing returns for having more money.

Furthermore i'd have to ask if it was relevant.

You miss the Hollifield arguements point.  In the same way.  He has way more then he could use.  His house also falls under "diminishing returns".

People who get fat go over "diminishing returns" when eating.

Why is it the governments buisness to suddenly worry about this only when it has to do with income?

With a "Government knows when you are making too much" mentality who knows what's next.   I mean we already have Social security, the department of education and tons of government programs where the government thinks it knows best, but instead have just created huge problematic bueracracies.