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Jordahn said:
BrayanA said:
Pristine20 said:
I saw this one coming. Add no DLC to that and you'll get the full picture lol. Good thing I ceased to care about fallout. I wish they had swords instead. The whole shoot thing is played out

Why all PS3 users just start to bash the game, only cos 360 version is a bit better?

The game is good. Just buy it and have fun.


Maybe some gamers don't care much for a post-apocalyptic environment.


Some gamers yes, but how all of a sudden all PS3 users stop care about Fallout 3. Check Fallout threads a few weeks ago. I see a lot "day one purchase" posts from PS3 owners. There are fanboys that now might not buy this game because they think they are getting a gimped version. This is pity!

Same happen with FF 13. A lot of posts "FF 13 >>> all 360 RPG games" before E3. After E3 threads like "I think FF versus 13 > FF 13" start poping like mуshrooms after rain.

And by the way. I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a gammer and PC is my favourite platform.