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@Grey Acumen

You need to let this go. For FPS Keyboard/Mouse is superior. Factually so.

The OP and title is why K&M on FPS is a big deal. That's been answered a hundred times: speed of movement, movement accuracy (despite your points in a combat situation you can actually navigate and dodge better with a keyboard/mouse) and the biggest difference - aiming accuracy.

I've played and enjoyed quite a few FPS on console now, and am switching more and more from PC to console. But I can tell you with absolutely certainty that the trade off is for comfort, big screen etc vs control - because analogue movement adds practically nothing to a FPS while it removes a whole lot of control.

I'd also note FPS on consoles are slower than PC based FPS for this very reason (I seem to remember seeing UT3 was around 30% slower). Despite being maybe slightly better for walking around dual analogue sticks restrict your speed of movement and aim in a combat situation and nothing you say will change that.

I'm glad you love your gamepad (or Wii mote or whatever) so much - but no console or other input device yet in general use is better than K&M for FPS.

So please (pretty please) let it go as I don't know about others but you're coming across to me as someone refusing to accept what is a fact and not an opinion, which never looks good.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...