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axumblade said:
makingmusic476 said:
axumblade said:
Imperial said:

Well one of the XBOX 360's key franchises moves to multiplatform , the problem with depending on third part developers for exclusivity is that the future of the franchise on any platform is purely dependant on sales potential.

Why should Gears Of War 3, Mass Effect 3 , Star Ocean 4 etc remain exclusive to the XBOX 360 without a money hat ,all games have established fan bases PS3+360 > 360 . Sony can rely more on first party development than MS ( who recently broke up alot of theirs) GT , God Of War , Uncharted , Resistance , Little Big Planet , Ico , Ratchet and Clank , White Knight Chronicles , Getaway & Eightdays(development currently halted though) and so many more existing and new franchises will never be seen on another platform as long as Sony is still making hardware to play it on.

Honestly, Media Molecule were originally going to do a project for the 360 over the PS3 so I think they can work for whoever they want to work for.

Also, Microsoft has the rights to some titles if I remember correctly. I don't think anyone will ever see Forza, Gears of War, Halo, Fable or any Ninja Gaiden installment after II for anything other than 360 (or next console), except for the PC.

I'm a bigger fan of Sony than Microsoft and I do feel Sony has a lot more exclusives coming out. But I also feel that Microsoft does have a decent list as well. That's the joy out of competition like this, the only real winners are the fans.


Media Molecule may have beenplanning to work on the 360...when they were still part of Lionhead.  The only thing we really know about the history of Media Molecule and LittleBigPLanet is this.

Also, Gears is solely owned by Epic.  Microsoft just inked a deal with them to publish the first two games in the franchise.

And Ninja Gaiden was only ever Xbox exclusive becuase of Itigaki.  Of course, Tecmo probably wanted NGII multiplat to help recover dev costs, which is why MS had to step in as publisher.  This issue of exclusivity is probably why the relationship between Itigaki and Tecmo went south, and Itigaki ended up leaving the company.

MS does own Fable, Forza, Halo, etc.  The main issue, however, is that they're slowly closing down their internal studios (FASA, Ensemble) or giving up their second parties (BioWare, Bizarre).  They still have quite a few IPs, but few people to work on them.  For example, it was initially rumored that Turn 10 would announce Forza 3 at this past E3.  That never happened.  Now the rumors state that Turn 10 is working on PGR5, as obviously Bizarre is no longer working on the franchise.  Whichever is true at the moment, Turn 10 is now being forced to juggle two different franchises, as Microsoft has nobody else to work on them.  What will happen to the Age series?  The Mech series (now that FASA Interactive is gone)?

So basically, Microsoft has a lot of titles that are awesome but they aren't really acting on any of those titles. I'm guessing that instead of spending money on things like game production, they're spending them on exclusive dlc and timed exclusivity?



Basically.  Every five seconds, you here about another game like Fallout 3 that has "exclusive DLC only on 360!"

Of course, their catalog of IP still pales in comparison to Sony and Nintendo, even if they did have the developers to work on them.