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hotrodx said:
Why is it that when PS3 and 360 versions are compared, and the 360 version ONLY SLIGHTLY better, PS3 fans just claim the PC version is superior?

Potentially, yes, but not everyone has top of the line PCs. An affordable PC would probably just run it at mid settings.

And the 360 is the much closer comparison for the PS3. Why bring up the PC here when you can customize it to your heart's (and wallet's) content?

The difference is only very slight! You won't notice the difference unless you play them side-by-side (which is stupid, because you'll be just nitpicking between the game versions instead of ENJOYING it).

And why bring up RROD?

It's embarrassing. I had PSOnes, a PS2 and a PSP but I was never this of a fanboy!


I bring it up because I hate these comparisons. There are people out there with only PS3's, that now might not buy this game because they think they are getting a gimped version. That's bullshit.

The delta between the PC version and the 360 version is far larger then the delta between the 360 version and the PS3. Yet, fanboys want to spread there mantra like a cancer, and don't care who it effect as far as a gaming purchase.

There are games on both consoles that actually are far less playable on one (The Orange Box for example). For those games, have these discussions. But for games like this one and Fallout 3, just let it be and enjoy the game. All versions will be equally enjoyable.