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Maynard_Tool said:

No its not, but neither is or will be LBP!!! come on, overhyping a game is something....but doing what people are doing to LBP is just ridicolous. I mean, people claim that MGS4 is the best game for the generation, but now they say LBP will be the best game this gen.... i seriously doubt LBP will be one of the top games this year. Please, enough is enough. LBP is a good game and a fresh idea, but NO its not gonna be the best game this generation, not even close. That's just stupid. You may like the game....but to say it will be the best game..... issues 8-)


But, w/e i dont even know why i responded to you, i mean, everybody knows (incluiding me) what type of person you are....please, its a little late. You should be sleeping by now.


And what is? Enlighten me.