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Umm, Resistance 2 is the same as R:FOM. I have been in the beta for like a week (got in last thursday) and before that I played and beat R:FOM, and they are exactly the same. I'm pretty sure that the single player is not going to be as fast paced as the multiplayer, and I don't know why the controls feel clunky and slow for u, they are pretty damn good for me. As for graphics, it's rumored that Insomniac removed some textures and other stuff to make the file size smaller, and it was still 2.3 gigs.

Anyways, I'm loving this game, besides the servers (obviously that will be fixed), I can't complain. My friend keeps getting mad when he comes over cuz he always want to play the Co-Op but it seems like I can never connect with split-screen co op or the servers are rebooting.