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I definitely believe in them. I have no idea what they are, but I definitely believe they exist.

I saw one when I was young. I was laying on my couch, in my living room (I was sleeping there that night as I sometimes did) and I look out the bay windows and a triangle with a light at each point was hovering silently, slowly not too far above the rooftops of the houses in my neighborhood. It just floated on by. Scared the bejeesus out of me. Years later I heard reports of a triangle with lights at each end being spotted by numerous eye witnesses in some town while reading a local newspaper. Blew me away because my family said I was crazy. They weren't impressed by the article when I shoved in in their faces and said "told ya so".

Then recently I learned that they have been spotted in many cities around the world. And in one case in 1990 in brussels it was seen by so many people that first the police, and then the belgian air force got involved. They scrambled some F-16s to intercept. It showed up on radar, had hundreds of people visually confirm it, had pictures taken of it, military report written on it. But it couldn't be caught or identified. It completely out manuevered the F-16s and wouldn't let them get close. It did things that no technology we have could possibly do. Eventually is disappeared. And the military wrote a non conclusive report. A picture from the incident

What are they? I dunno. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and I don't really care. I know they exist, I've seen one personally. But I don't know what they are. Aliens? Maybe. Secret Government technology? Who knows? Some posit that time travel is impossible because we'd have been visited by people from the future if it was. Maybe we have been and are regularly. Any are possibilities and I see as equally likely because they are all equally absurd based on our current world views. I've got better things to think about though so if something happens in my life time to explain it, great, I'd be fascinated to know. But I won't cry if I never find out.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.