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Fable2 is about to be a million seller in its first week.  That is a great success for MS, Lionhead and Peter Molyneux who seems to match the hype with this game. But is Fable2 a hardware-seller? 160k Xbox360 were sold the week before Fable2, not great, but good. It would be nice to see Fable2 pushing these numbers a little bit. I haven't played it yet, but just heard good things about the game. Most of the reviews were very positive, too.

On the other hand, can a game like Fable2 move consoles? There are not that much WRPG that could do this. I am really looking forward to next week numbers.

What do you think? Is a boost possible? If so, how much more units could be sold? 40k? 70k?

Give me some thoughts.

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