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axumblade said:
BrayanA said:
What? Another multi title is better on 360?
Nothing new here.

PS3 owners need to stop acting like a ostrich and to face the truth.
Eurogamer gives all "Xbox 360 vs PS3 Face-Off" to 360. It is 14:0! Yes 360 loose in some games, but win or is equal in the majority! It also win both Bonus Rounds - The Orange Box and GTA IV. Blame Sony, blame developers, blame PS3, blame whoever you want, but it is obvious that PS3 is not the graphical monster many of you think it is.

At least PSM is being honest. Respect!

If it's 14:0 then how does the 360 lose some games? And how are Orange Box and GTA IV bonus rounds? Your comment is just plain dumb. Read your comment before you post it, otherwise, read it after so that you know you're actually making sense.

ROFL ... man you make my day
I laugh for more then 5 minutes!

It is not mine! Your comment is just plain dumb. Check before you post dumb comment!!! Otherwise, check google after so that you know you're actually making sense!!!

In every "Xbox 360 vs PS3 Face-Off" round from 6 to 10 multiplat games are compared! Not one!

Bonus rounds compares only one game.

Is it clear now?! Or I need to repeat it slower?