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Casual_Gamer said:

Just came across this site. I purchased Wi''s for my home last week and have been looking for places to learn about what some kid friendly games may be.

So lately around my office a lot of the ladies have been saying stuff about their husbands being really into either this blueray or netflix thing that you are talking about here. Is this something that I am going to need to learn about or will I be ok with my DVD player? My husband just purchased a 60 inch plasma tv for our living room, and it is supposed to be 1080 something. Does this having anything to do with either of these things. A friend of his came over and watched Indiana Jones with us this weekend and he said if we got blueray our picture would not look so washed out. We also showed him our Wii, and he said we need to get some other kind of cable for it so it did not look so bad, what does he mean? I know that when I have played on our old 34 inch tv in the bedroom it seams like the picture is much better.

So far I am very happy with the 3 Wii's we have but I am a little bit upset with my husband over the TV purchase. We spent over 4000 dollars because this TV had so good of picture quality, and now that we have it at home our DVD's look worse, and I would rather play my Wii in the bedroom than in the living room. Can anyone here give me some help, I know there were a lot of questions, but I really am illeterate when it comes to this gadget stuff.



1)  Blurray is likely to be the next dominant media format short of something unknown appearing or digital distribution taking over.  It's a long way from beating DVD so while you don't necessarily need to pay attention to it now, you might want to learn more about it.

2)  Yes.  1080p (or i) is a high definition or HD format.  Those are well above the standard definition formats you'll get from a Wii or DVD.  If you have a good TV, it will do a decent job at upscaling but of course it won't be quite the quality you'd have if you used HD media (360/PS3 games, blurray discs...etc).

3)  You can buy a component cable for the Wii which will improve the picture a little but you're still limited in video quality by the media itself.

4)  It's always a good time to learn something new.  ^_^