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i cant say, it depends on which console jrpgs sell the most on. square isnt allowed to put a single decent rpg on ps3 and at least see how it sells. so i dont know if jrpgs will sell on ps3, on 360 they dont sell terrific but not bad either, and on wii they should sell well in japan. so i think by the end of this gen, the console with the most rpg's will be either the wii or 360. it could easily be ps3, but square has *magically* become a sony hater and it decides to keep their rpgs exclusively for not-ps3. i think that if they release an rpg simultaneously for both consoles, they are very afraid that it will sell a lot more on ps3. their top priority is to sell more on 360, so they have to make it exclusively for 360 or timed.

(just kidding, but i have a point dont you agree?)