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Zombies!!! to Become Video Game

The immensely popular Zombies!!!® Board Game is set to hit the video game world in 2009. Twilight Creations, Inc., the publishers of the game, has reached an agreement with Big Rooster, LLC, an entertainment software company, to develop the Zombies!!! board game into a video game property.

Initially the game will be developed for the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and the Steam online game distribution website according to Timothy Gerritsen, Executive Director of Big Rooster. Later releases may include the Nintendo DS and Wii systems.

“Zombies!!! is a perfect game for the Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation 3 Network,” said Mr. Gerritsen. “We were surprised that no one had seen the huge potential in the Zombies!!! property.”

Originally released in 2001, Zombies!!! has been a consistent seller and is considered one of the core products in the hobby-game industry. The base set has sold over 125,000 copies worldwide. It has also spawned many expansions and spin-offs. Combined, Zombies!!! products have sold in excess of 300,000 units.

In Zombies!!! players race around the board trying to find a way to escape the ever-growing zombie horde. The game is simple to play and extremely addictive according to its fans. The tile based board and the many expansions work to keep the game fresh and new each time you play it.