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Domicinator said:

The Inquirer is not a good source of information.  Them saying Vista is like ME in my opinion is just like Joe Schmoe on a web forum saying it.  ME was unstable.  Most people around here seem to think that unstable means something has incompatibilities.  Unstable means an OS crashes a lot and throws up a lot of error messages.  ME did that for pretty much its entire lifespan.

Vista, on the other hand, is almost built NOT to crash.  If a driver has a conflict or stops working, 99% of the time Vista can actually just stop and restart the driver without a full system reboot or BSoD.  In fact, I've never had a BSoD in Vista once!  I can count on one hand how many times Vista has locked up on my on both my Vista machines combined.  The same could definitely not be said for XP.  That's not to say that XP was bad.  I love XP.  But it's not as stable as Vista by a long shot.

If the Inquirer is talking about drivers, I wonder how old their information is and I wonder how much of this is being blamed on MS.  Nvidia, ATi, HP, etc. had plenty of time to get launch Vista drivers ready to go and fully operational.  They dropped the ball and it took them about 2 months to get caught up.  After about 2 months of bad ForceWare drivers, my gaming performance in Vista, at least to my naked eye, was similar if not close to identical to what I was getting in XP.  Granted, I had just built myself a quad core machine with 2 gigs of RAM and an 8800GTS, so that's plenty of power to do what I need to do on Vista. 

This is, of course, all anecdotal and only unique to me.  But on my Pentium Dual Core (budget line dual core) laptop with 1 GB of RAM and a run of the mill stock Intel video card, I'm having the same experience with Vista.  It boots up slower than my gaming tower and definitely can't run the high end games, but Vista-wise, it runs just fine with Aero Glass turned on and everything.

I consider my own experiences a lot more reliable than the Inquirer.  They have been considered kind of a joke for quite some time now.  Their outlandish predictions and "news" about video cards alone has made them kind of a pariah in some circles.  So I'll go ahead and trust my own experiences. 

BTW, my own experiences include my wife's G4 Macbook that crashes about every 5 minutes.



Hey you, do not dodge the questions. You laid out pretty bold accusations and you've been questioned on them - so I ask again, where is the proof Jobs can stop programs from running on mac computers please?

I also demand you expand your comments about Vista being more open than Mac OS X... open-source kernel, openGL vs DirectX, WebKit...

You either admit you were tossing up lies just to feed your emo rage against Apple or get out of this thread.

And as far as anecdotal evidence goes, the whole internet is chock full of them against Vista so don't pull out "uh my wife g4 crashes a lot" crap please. I just need to google "vista sucks" to get thousands of pages worth of casual evidence. While talking about this issue, your wife's problem are either faulty hardware or he messed with things she shouldn't have messed with. Mac OS X is rock solid but is not uncareful-user-proof. Not even the best designed software will protect someone from sudo rm -rf /

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).