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That wheel tilt function on the G5 is a bit puzzling. The idea was supposedly to allow for horizontal scrolling, but I've yet to see it work. It has arrow key functions, but that's not as useful. Still, it's a solid, comfortable, precise mouse.

Apple's mighty mouse actually does 360 degree scrolling with a tiny built in scroll ball, which also happens to be a lot more precise than a scroll wheel, but the casing favors form over good ergonomics. Not the most comfortable mouse even though I've been using one for years.

Many gaming cases also have the prerequisite LEDs, gaudy and functionless case moldings, paint jobs, etc. but the main function of a gaming case is really air flow and circulation capacity, or the ability to easily adapt liquid cooling solutions without case mods, under the assumption that any hardcore PC gamer is overclocking most, if not all components.

I suppose the assumption is that any case with good cooling/airflow designed for being used with overclocked components is automatically being used for gaming, and is by default, a "gamer case."