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MorgZ - MGC data isn't anywhere near 100% of the Live userbase. The data set (the one that has 60,000-70,000 weekly users for Fable) only has 2.3 million XBL users, which is around 15% of the entire XBL userbase.

seece - A good ratio of MGC users to sales should be no less than 6 to 1. So if Fable 2 hits 100k users this week (which it'll greatly exceed that), multiply the MGC user count by 6 and you should get a good ballpark number.

Jaggedsac - It's kind of hard to compare MGC numbers (which are aggregated for the entire week) to Bungie's numbers which are aggregated every 24 hours.

Having said that, 360voice may be a better/closer match:

Halo 3 ( 4,537 Users Yesterday
Fable 2 ( 11,447 Users Yesterday
Halo 3 ( 596,294 Users in the Past 24 Hours

Still, I don't think it's the best comparison, since that'd put Fable 2 numbers over 1.5 million sales in 2 days which is a bit high. But it's still worth considering. MGC numbers have Halo 3 at around 100,000 unique users for the week (and I wish that Bungie had concurrent weekly users).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.