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I don't think anyone is defending aiming with a right analog stick.

At least I would hope not since it's a pretty pointless argument.

Would you rather web browse or draw a simple graphic with a mouse or one of those laptop keyboard "nubbins" that used to be common before track pads became the standard? Because the nubbin is nothing more than a stumpy analog joystick, and a rather poor pointing device.

But the OP was specifically about using the keyboard for movement.

It wasn't until every PC user started pointing out that the mouse is required for complex movement that it suddenly became a mouse vs. analog stick pissing contest.

And on that note, now I really feel the need to find the best gaming keyboard available because this whole thread has served as a searing reminder of how ANNOYING it's been to game on a standard keyboard.

Short list includes the Logitech G11, the MS Reclusa, or the Ideazon Merc Stealth with the funky "gaming terrain" keys. Or maybe just buy the even wackier Wolf King Warrior game keyboard disc thing.

Almost worth it just for the hilarious name alone.