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I believe that no ones faith or beliefs should be forced on to someone else.

This is an obvious point but a song with words from the Kuran can surely only be offensive to people that find it offense in this case Muslims.  So why not disable the song and allow none Muslims to enable it if they like.

The problem in most cases like this is that religious people think that everyone should believe in what they believe in and have no concept of free will.  This is why the world is such a dangerous place at the moment.

My dad and I were talking about religion the other night.  I have nothing against religious people but I think religion should not be taught to children until they are at least 14 years old and are able to understand what they are being told and make their own minds up about whether they want to follow a particular faith or no faith at all.

One thing that should be taught in schools however is morals, not religion.  The decline in the attitude of western society in term of how we behave towards one another is down to lack of morals.  Now religion does teach morals but this is mixed in with things that some people cant believe so its giving a mixed message.

Simply teach the important part of religion, morals.