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The PS3 still is the "graphical monster" it is. I don't need to look further than games like MGS4, Uncharted, R2 or GT5P to accept it.

But unless multi-plat ports start displaying better use of the hardware, I'll be buying less and less of them, if not none at all for the PS3 in the future and just stick to platform exclusives.

In regards to the exclusive DLC on the 360, considering that I won't likely be playing the game enough to see all the non-exclusive content, it's pretty irrelevant, particularly when no one even knows what that exclusive content is.

Never got to Nights of Nine or Shivering Isles back when I was playing Oblivion, so even if it's any different for Fallout, that should just about cover my desire to play with the title without waiting for episodic content/expansion packs/whatever.

And the last big exclusive DLC for the 360 version of a multi-plat title would be GTAIV. Remember the stink everyone made about that? Does anyone even care six months later?

But according to Todd Howard from six months ago, the DLC was said to be on 360 and PC.