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Marty8370 said:
omgwtfbbq said:
Marty8370 said:
Cell chip has security built into it, at hardware level. That is why it's been imposible too crack so far.

"The architecture's main strength is its ability to allow an application to protect itself using the hardware security features instead of the conventional method of solely relying on the operating system or other supervisory software for protection. Therefore, if the operating system is compromised by an attack, the hardware security features can still protect the application and its valuable data. As an analogy, consider the protection the supervisory software provides as the castle's moat and the Cell BE security hardware features as the locked safe inside the castle".

all consoles have always had hardware level security features. That doesn't make it impossible to crack, it just makes it more difficult.

The PS3 will get cracked, believe me, it's just a matter of time.




Your wrong, all consoles don't have hardware level security features. Most use software: PS2, PSP, DS, Wii, Xbox, 360, all use software. Nothing out has hardware level security features as advanced as Cell.

It's highly doubtful that the PS3 will ever be hacked.

read up on the "starlet", a processor within the hollywood processor of the Wii with the main goal of keeping the Wii keys secure. Read the accounts of team Twiizers, who hacked the Wii not by writing and inspecting code, but by using tweezers to connect up different pins within the Wii. A hardware hack for hardware security.

No hardware is completely unhackable, not while you can open it up and it will still work. Banks spend millions ensuring their hardware is unhackable and the main way that's accomplished is by completely destroying everything as soon as it even looks like the hardware is being tampered with. 

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