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My employer offers dental coverage for $22 every other week. It's pretty good coverage. But it's got a $250 deductable on EACH treatment and a limit of $1250 in deductables and a cap of $5000. Copays are $25 for a visit, $50 for a full set of xrays...

I didn't get it, and here's why: (w/o ins|what I pay w/ins.)

I have a dental problem.
Two exams and one set of xrays ($350/$100).
1 tooth surgically extracted ($450/$250).
1 tooth extracted the old fashion way ($220/$250).
3 fillings ($210*3/$175*3)
Payments out of pay check for 1 year ($0/$572) (I've been working for 9 years)

3 hours of pretty standard dental work. $1650 or $1125+weekly, after one year I'm already paying more if I have insurance. It's fucking insane.

It's pretty much the same for medical coverage, except more expensive and if you get really sick there's some more protection... unless you get REALLY sick, then they cut you loose.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.