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Quite honestly I think the question has moved beyond brand loyalties, and hardware or even library comparisons in regards to Europe. I see a large price differential, and a global economic crisis. For this war price used to matter, and as the economies of the world slip down. The prices apparently slide upwards. Were any player to lose traction to this it would indeed be Sony.

For me the question is how much consumers in Europe are willing to spend on the holidays this year. The holidays are the real movers in the retail scene. When the consumers tighten their purse strings will there be room for the expensive PS3 under the Christmas tree, or will families split the difference. Get a gaming console, but a less expensive one. That is a real question for me enthusiasts are the purchasers during the non holiday months, but they are not the purchasers in the holiday season. After all it is one thing to bite the bullet, and make an expensive purchase for oneself. Things are entirely different when your buying it for someone else.

The price difference could be the only meaningful difference in a month. Economic woes are not a friend to large ticket purchases. Consumers have a way of lowering their aim.