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Killergran said:
halogamer1989 said:

"Give a man a fish; feed him for today. Teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime."  This is my logic for the current US predicament and I would like to know who among us at VGC agrees...

Am I just stupid, or are there a couple of things missing here?

A: what specific predicament are you talking about?
B: What do you mean should be taught, and whom should be taught?
C: Who should do the teaching?
D: What should we do when there's no more fish because all the newfound fishermen just caught it all?

ALTERNATIVE: Is this part of the Mcain Campaign?


A. He is talking about economic redistribution. If you just give money to the poor instead of giving them the tools to earn it, you will always need to give them money.

B. People who do not own a skill worth enough to support themselves, should be taught one. I would assume at the expense of others (fine with me)

C. Anyone who is willing to do so.

D. In this context, we are talking about jobs. The best way to reduce jobs, is to take money from the rich and give it to the poor. Kind of ironic huh? :)

Alternative: No, McCain is not that smart. This is (was) part of Ron Paul's Campaign.