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This is a strange tale for me at least, because I know of two people that recently received return boxes as of yesterday. Technically it is far more cost effective for Microsoft to receive their own packaging. Basically it is a standardization of methodology. The more parts are the same the easier it is to streamline. You do not want your repair facility inundated with boxes of varying shapes, recycling requirements, unintended contaminants, and so forth.

Were I to hazard a guess the local repair offices your friends encountered quite possibly have run out of their return boxes. Not necessarily a case of being cheap. Even under ideal situations sometimes shortfalls will occur. During these economic times it only complicates matters. Say for example if the box manufacturer had difficulty making payroll due to the credit crunch.

To me it seems like a catch 22. A damned if you do and damned if you don't. You could move up the ladder at Microsoft to get your return package. In which case you just might find out they will not have any for a few more weeks, or you can bite the bullet and cough up five dollars.

Just some solid advice get your boxes off the sales floor at a retailer. Most retailers no longer stock pile boxes. They most often crush and recycle them. Not only is it profitable for them, but piling up lose boxes is a fire hazard which they can be fined for. So when you go into a store look for the guy stocking a shelf and get that box. Your actually saving them time and energy.