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I am sorry but the Brosnan Bond films aside from Goldeneye were terrible and forgettable in almost every regard. They stopped trying to make sense somewhere along the line and featured a stiff agent in one bleak situation after another.

Halle Berry was a horrible Bond girl.

Casino Royale was great. If you count the airplane scene there were two chase scenes. Poker is obviously important to a movie with Casino in the title (though they played Baccarat in the book). Featured a torture scene that was not gay, and had a badass ending.

Goldeneye= Russia is drab but the film is good.

Tommorow Never Dies= A media tycoon who wants to ignite war with China in order to increase tv ratings. Are u kidding me.

The World is Not Enough= Boring characters forgettable action sequences and a boring story about oil.

Die Another Day= Horrible Madonna theme song + a gian laser that melts a castle made of ice.