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RolStoppable said:

@LOL MATURE: So you proved yourself wrong by demonstrating that the range you posted earlier is incorrect since the maximum you can account for is 6.6m?

EDIT: Whoa, I just noticed that you were doing some very generous rounding in favor of the PS3. It's actually much closer to 6.5m going by the numbers you provided. You have proved yourself to be entirely wrong.


I rounded to the nearest tenth. Normal thing to do in math. Also if you go by when the ps3 was launched full strength WW the lead was 7.1 (instead of a regional breakdown like i did)

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 31st Jul 2004 to 10th Mar 2007:

Console PS3 X360

You aren't supposed to round before you do the math, you obviously did it to boost the number.

@Killergran: Damn you. Stole what I was going to say

@Dgc1808: That's much less likely than the PS3 falling short of the 360 LTD (actually possible). Yet, so many seem to assume that it's definite. I'd love to see the crow eaten if it falls short, especially since everyone laughed at Microsoft when they claimed they would finish second.

Anyway, of course it would be funny if something extremely unlikely happened. It would be funny if Sony/Microsoft leave the gaming industry, if the Wii declines this Christmas, if Wii Fit outsells the PS3, etc.