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I find it hard to trust any form of media which bases its reviews solely upon the opinions of people whose experiences are highly limited and lack any real understanding of the actual workings of what they're reviewing. To base your review of a product largely upon assumptions, as most game reviewers do in their constant comparisons of games to other games, is far from professional. These reviewers are not, in short, the appropriate people to be reviewing the products which they review.

A proper game review would be done by a person with absolutely no inherent bias towards or against the product, and if possible, little to no ties to the industry itself, to ensure a minimum of short-sighted assumptions and prejudices. Unfortunately, such levels of integrity are a far cry from the existing game review standards, which largely involve highly opinionated enthusiast gamers rating everything that crosses their path based upon their own personal level of hype and interest in the product prior to even playing it.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.