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akuma587 said:
Jackson50 said:
This is reminiscent of the time people lambasted Clinton for wearing Giorgio Armani. This talk about clothing is silliness.

When you claim to represent people like Joe the Plumber, then I think it is completely valid.  Not to mention the fact that the GOP always tries to label Democrats as elitists. 

If the GOP didn't do this, then I would agree that the topic is totally irrelevant.  But they call Palin a freaking Hockey Mom for crying out loud!


I don't know ...

From our understanding of her life before becoming the Vice Presidential candidate, she certainly has not lived the lifestyle of an elitist. I could be wrong but I suspect how she ended up buying the wardrobe was John McCain’s style consultant suggested/insisted that Sarah Palin was ‘Dressed to Kill’ (in a non-army fatigues kind of way).

To put it another way, awhile back I was working at a company and I was pretty close to one of the 'girls' in the marketing department. The companies dress code was at the more formal end of business casual which meant that most of us peons wore dress pants and a dress shirt while managers wore dress pants and a blazer. On a typical day, my entire outfit would have cost as much to buy in a store as any one of her items did (shirt, pants/skirt, shoes). She didn't make more money than I did, she didn't care that much about what she was wearing (she was pretty punk-rock outside of the office), and the only reason she wore the clothes she did was her manager insisted on it. As I said before, the type of person who can't tell the difference between a $50 shirt and a $250 shirt doesn't care, while the person who can tell the difference may judge you inappropriately because of it.

Now, all politicians claim to represent 'the little guy' and yet (for the most part) they live a lifestyle far above 'the little guy' ... For example, Joe Biden spends more money commuting on Amtrack every year than 'the little guy' probably spent to buy his car.