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Ah I just love looking at all the predictions and comparing. Noticing some more inherent differences. For one I'm the only one that shows a decline in sales for all 3 consoles after Black Friday week except for Twroo on the 360. It's actually interesting considering that's hard to predict. Generally it seems that sales should keep going up as that is the startup that leads into holidays and I think I missed that by following to close to DS's last year trends where the Black Friday week was a week early. Meaning its actually doubtful any console will drop on that week unless they have a shortage.

Another difference is aside from us on the Wii I seem to have a more defined peak week for PS3 and 360. While most of the rest is progressive mine is explosive. We reach similar peak numbers but mine is progressive. I chose that simply most trends show a peak week but of course PS3 and 360 in last year's trends did not show that. Showed a more progressive trend like yall chose.

Interesting just to look at all of that and see how we came up with these.