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El Duderino said:

^^ I hate going to Doctors and only go if I have three different drastic pains or more... usually I just cut out the part that hurts... if it isn´t to big... but fungus is hard to kill... if the flaming vodka wouldn´t work I´d go for a soldering iron... my family has a shamefull history of self treatment... my brother once tried to get a fish bone out of his throat with a metal wire... it got stuck... when he came to my room it lookt like he was literally puking his guts out... I clapped him on his back cause he was coughing... that must have hurt... anyway we got it out but he needed to go to a hostpital for internal bleeding... but enough of that this is thread about twesterm spain..

Holy shit your brother's insane and my hero.

All I've done is just remove my own toenails when they get bad, and this one time I got a zit on my wang so I stabbed into it with a cauterized safety pin to drain it outside so it didn't get pus deeper into my wang and balls.  It left a tiny wang-scar.