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Kasz216 said:
ManusJustus said:
The Red Cross is atheist?

There is no evidence that religious people do more or less than atheists. However, there was a study conducted that showed that liberals gave more to charity (although liberals tend to have more money because they are higher educated and live in urban areas which tend to be more wealthy), and I would imagine more athiests would classify themselves as liberal rather than conservative.

What study was that?  From what i've seen it's the exact opposite research wise.

The religious just give more.  These aren't studies about what charities... it's about the people themselves.

"His initial research for Who Really Cares revealed that religion played a far more significant role in giving than he had previously believed. In 2000, religious people gave about three and a half times as much as secular people — $2,210 versus $642. And even when religious giving is excluded from the numbers, Mr. Brooks found, religious people still give $88 more per year to nonreligious charities.

He writes that religious people are more likely than the nonreligious to volunteer for secular charitable activities, give blood, and return money when they are accidentally given too much change."

This one has another "test" outside of that book.

"And what happened in our little test? Well, even though people in Sioux Falls make, on average, half as much money as people in San Francisco, and even though the San Francisco location was much busier -- three times as many people were within reach of the bucket -- by the end of the second day, the Sioux Falls bucket held twice as much money."

Of course this isnt' to say Atheists don't give a crap or anything.  It's just statistically shown that religion does seem to make people donate more to charity.  I'd guess because people think god is keeping a score card that has a bigger divide then an icecream sundae vs a punch in the face.

hey, thanks for looking it up.

There is no doubt that religious people do more to better the world.

And so what if they want to save people's souls?  what does that matter?  Religious people are helping others in need so that should be good enough. 

i am thankful for the religious people - even if some of them are weird and bug me a bit.