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Hmmm there's a lot of candidates. First place, however, is a sure one: The intro to Final Fantasy XII.

Man, this scene pumped me up for the game. It's such a huge shame that the rest of the story and cutscenes are worse in every way. This intro was cinematic, epic, immersive, looked incredibly beautiful for a PS2 game... hell, I felt like watching Star Wars and Lord of the Rings at once.

This first place is share with the darkest, most creepy scene in the Zelda universe, and one of the main reasons I consider Twilight Princess one of the best Zelda's ever.

Next one is the intro to No More Heroes. Fast, popcorn style, great music, gotta love this one.

The real ending to the game is also great, with the absurd dialogue and all.

Devil May Cry 3 had too many great cutscenes to handle, but I picked this one:

Also one that I found genuinely moving, something I didn't expect from this over-the-top action game. Looking at this one left me sitting silently before the screen. But then again maybe I'm just a sentimental little emo kid.

Resident Evil 4 is composed of fantastic cutscenes, but can't really pick one that stands out. Or I must have forgotten. Same goes for Metal Gear Solid 3.

Every damn cutscene in SSBB is epic, but we all know those. Don't we now? Eh?

God of War's 'big' cutscenes are great, but can't pick from those.

That's about it. I might have forgotten lots though.

I drink your milkshake.