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leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.


 I dont think so..

Sony keep claiming the PS3 is a superior machine graphicly, despite the fanboys saying its not.. have yet to see a game passed Uncharted or MGS4 visually..


completely true, these games are both first attempt by each studio and look at the graphical quality, meanwhile the 360 has not reach that quality despite having been in the market longer and been easier to program, what will we see in kojima's next project? Look at how superior mgs3 was over mgs2. The only  360 exclusive people bring up to compete in terms of graphics is Gears of War, and UT3 looks better in both systems by now.


But anyway graphics is not the most important element of a game, am an rpg fan and for years rpgs have had the ugliest graphics in the industry (except for FF)


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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