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wow you guys are crazy..... and nice read scottie thanks

in any case, I do think that PS360 type of consoles is going to conflict with PC gaming, and it already has.. (Fallout 3, Far Cry 2 developped for all 3 at once), which probably is going to lead to the living room PC that tech companies have talked about for years.... and I don't think either MS or Sony would complain about that.

The Wii type console (as from the little I read GA is trying to talk about without being understood), still has a bright future. It's a game platform and not a multimedia platform, and that enables it to be much more bold in it's choices as it doesn't have the constraints of the other multimedia requierments....

my guess would be that in the future, we are going to end up with 3 ways to play.... Handheld, Console and "gaming"-multimedia Hubs that offer a catalogue including all PC games...