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A Microsoft spokesperson has told Edge that Epic’s long-awaited Gears of War 2 will not be released in Japan.

“We can confirm that Gears of War 2 will not be available in Germany or Japan indefinitely” said the spokesperson.

The news may come as a shock to many observers as the original Gears of War was one of the first titles to crack the Japanese software charts during a time when the 360 console was selling at its slowest.

Gears had sold 33,212 copies in Japan in its first week and entered the software charts at number seven. The game has sold over 3m units worldwide and was the first title to overtake Halo 2 as the most popular game on Xbox Live.    

The reasons why the game will not be released remain unclear. In May this year Germany’s ratings organization declined to issue the game an age certificate.

Update: Evidently this story is causing waves within Microsoft. A spokesperson has contacted us to "clarify" that "no announcement has been made" about plans for Gears of War 2 in Japan.

Dont know about that 3 million ww but anyway thoughts about this.