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code.samurai said:
aavidbacon said:
The truth is taht if you get a really good pc player of CoD4 for example and the same for console and put them both to play in the pc and console, the pc guy would only stand a chance in pc, while the console guy could win on both plataforms. That would be because is easier to get to pc gamming than to the console one. There migth be some exceptions, but that would work on 80-90% of the time. The console guy would take 2 or 3 matches to get used to the controls and then would be fair game. The pc guy would get pwned every time he played in the console.

I love claims like these, it sounds so controversial and yet is probably just trolling.  First of all work on your spelling, it sounds like you're playing starcraft with a bunch of korean morons going gogogogogoooogogogggo.   Second that just means it's harder to play using the console analog stick, it takes more time to learn to balance the analog controls as opposed to the easier time to digital move and precisely aim.  Third if the console-controller guy and the keyboard-mouse-guy fought head on the console guy would just cry and run home to watch some hard earned porn.  Which might not really be far from the truth.

Oookey. First, is not trolling. I like console gaming and pc gaming. I´ve been doing both since I was a kid. When I got my ps2, I got MoH Vanguard. Didn´t like the gameplay, but I thought was just that tilte, since everyone was so happy playing FPS in consoles. Then I got my Ps3 along with Turok, no comments on that. At last, I ´ve tried the demo of Bad Company, another disapointment. My feelings are that I can´t aim fast and accuratelly enough, cause every time I past the target it takes forever for the aiming to get back. Like was said here already, there´s a good reason why there´s assisted aiming on consoles and not in the PC.

My point is that the aiming is a lot easier to get on PC, therefore a console guy that was familiar with the game in the first place, would take no time to get familiar with the Keyboard and mouse scheme. But that´s just logic thinking, wich usually can´t be aplied in real life, unfortunately. I also said that would be on the average, not one or two cases.

@ Bringbackcromo I was supporting pc FPS over console FPS, and yes 2-3 games is a overstatement, but it should be a small amount of matches.






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