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Senlis said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

You are stating that the computer version of MAC OSX can't run software Apple doesn't want them to run. You've stated it twice. Well on your next reply I want to see from you hard proof of that or I'm reporting you on the grounds that you are purposedly stating and repeating lies just to slander something.

Open-ness? Did you know that the KERNEL (do you even know what it is?) of Mac OS X is free, open-source software? Are you aware that the building block of browsers like Nokia's for its S60 smartphones or Google Chrome or the browser in the Google Android phones is called WebKit and Apple has largely contributed to that open-source project? In fact it's the work Apple put into it to prop it up to power Safari is what allowed those companies to easily integrate it into their products (mostly competing against Apple's own!). Heck, let's talk about DirectX vs OpenGL... one is an open standard the other is propietary, up to you to guess which one is used on windows and which one on Mac OS X.

Your next post better include reasonable and sensible answers to these issues. Oh and please let us know also why you hate Apple wich such fierce rage.

Domicinator didn't slander anyone.


Slander is spoken. In print it's libel.

Now someone hates me for being a smart***.  I know it


Aue contraire, mon ami... the more you know =)


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).